Pistachio Kernel For Export


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Expires: 2026-08-31 16:04:23
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Added 2017-12-12 12:57:29
Modified: 2017-12-12 12:57:29
Created by
iran sadra (16)
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Pistachio Kernel

Pistachio kernel produced from closed pistachio is used in pastry,chocolate,icecream and Sausage. Based on the traditional medicine, pistachio kernel has a warm and dry nature. It helps the body to produce blood for it's iron, so those who have anemia should have a daily pistachio consumption. It also increases the sexual power, brain, mind and stomach function. It helps the heart and nerve relaxation and opens the hepatic ducts.


Karimkhan zand st. , kheradmand Shomali ave. , No. 3 , Unit 9, Tehran


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